Adult Classes
Contact Ronda for cost and other class details
Adult Beginner I
Have you been afraid of going under water your whole life? Do you need help floating on top of the water or swimming across the pool? Do you get water in your nose/mouth every time you go under the water? Would you like to learn to swim a very simple stroke that will help you feel comfortable and safe in a pool, lake, or ocean? Then this class is for you. We will move at your own pace and learn the basics of swimming and having fun in the water.
Adult Beginner II
This class is a follow-up to the Beginner I class. In this class, we will focus on several swim strokes. We will learn the front crawl (freestyle), the breast stroke, the back crawl, and elementary backstroke. If you are already comfortable going underwater and can swim a little, you can skip Beginner I class and move directly to this level II class.
Check Calendar for class schedule.